Recently, I read a good article about record spending by landlords on improvements to their office properties and tenants making improvements to their office suites.  It seems counterintuitive for each to be spending money in…

In the coming weeks, I plan to provide you with real-life experiences with office models that are occurring at the business next door and not the solutions being spewed from theorists who have never had…

With so many elements involved in planning and relocating or expanding your office space, it is easy to overlook some of the most important functional items. One of the most underestimated variables is the amount, size, and…

Has your office jumped on the open office layout bandwagon? If not, you are in the minority according to a Washington Post article. The International Facility Management Association states that 70% of U.S. offices are…

Let’s face it: we now live in a millennial-driven workforce. The demand for modern, creative, and appealing office space creates a massive opportunity for sharp business owners who are clever enough to retain and attract…

Startups are becoming increasingly familiar with the tech industry surging with growth, innovation, and talent. Although starting a tech business may seem like an exciting endeavor, plenty of uncertainty tends to hover around the idea of creating…

The ongoing debate around the ideal work environment – open office layouts, co-working space or a remote workforce, leads to the inevitable question of: “How will we choose?” This post is a reference for several options for…

As a design partner for Carmen, clients often seek my expert advice on colors to use in their office space. We find that many companies are increasingly interested in how they can use color to create a productive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing design in their workspace environment. Have you ever…