Chris Carmen / February 16, 2017

Indianapolis has quickly become a hidden secret in the digital marketing and tech community. With heavy hitters like Salesforce, Angie’s List, and ConstantContact calling Indianapolis home, it’s no wonder. We have a strong, deeply connected community of professionals who are disrupting the status quo and pushing the envelope on what’s possible. Economically, it’s a smart choice. The cost of living is more affordable and the cost to lease office space in a premium downtown location is more accessible. But what do you do when your business is certainly no longer a start-up and has outgrown its humble beginnings? You expand into a larger space, of course.
But what if you can’t expand your current space? Do you split the team up into a secondary, albeit close, location or round up the troops and move everyone to a new property altogether?
Local advertising agency Bradley and Montgomery (BaM), has tried it both ways, and they ultimately preferred the latter.
Of course, growing pains are always a good sign for any business. But when BaM made the decision to rent a nearby location to accommodate their burgeoning team, they didn’t realize how much of a strain it would place on their employees. And not just from a workload perspective – culture suffered.
Steve Jobs famously said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” The ability for teams to convene under the same roof and collaborate often results in fortuitous and unexpected outcomes. Mutual respect and appreciation follow naturally soon thereafter when workers are able to seamlessly collaborate on projects or sit in on a meeting. They may not understand all of the technology at play within every department, but they can understand the person behind the job and form important relationships that are the secret sauce of any strong team.
BaM understood this. The split between the two buildings became too much of a strain on everyone. Deciding to start fresh in a new space that could house the entire Indianapolis team has resulted in a renewed energy with the employees. It took several months of working closely with their Tenant Advisor to find the perfect property that not only fit the current team but allowed for scalable future growth.
Relocating doesn’t have to mean saying goodbye to something grand in exchange for a generic warehouse that just so happens to accommodate the size of your company. In the case of BaM, for example, they were able to move into one of the most coveted office space locations in downtown Indianapolis on the second floor at 1 Monument Circle. Not only that, their Tenant Advisor was able to negotiate a lease that allowed them to customize the space in such a remarkable way that the design itself landed them coverage in the Indianapolis Business Journal. Of course, that pales in comparison to the reality that the team hasn’t worked underneath one roof, on the same floor, in years. Their creativity, collaboration, and comradery are finally able to flourish according to the vision of owners Mark Bradley and Scott Montgomery.
The best part? Scott Montgomery says that people are excited to come to work. And as we all know, happy employees are productive employees.
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