Chris Carmen / June 8, 2016

There’s no question that Indiana has secured its place in the high-tech business market. You can’t pick up a news article — either local or national — without reading about another start-up, seed-funding or acquisition that is happening here in the Hoosier state. But where is all the talent coming from to employ these companies? According to a recent article from Inside Indiana Business: right here in Indiana. As much as “the brain drain” keeps popping up in the news, it’s refreshing to see the report “Best Undergraduate Business Schools 2016? from Bloomberg and read that four of the top 100 business schools are right here in Indiana. And not only that, but two of the four are in the top five. You can click here to see the full listing from Bloomberg. The study surveyed nearly 30,000 students and recruiters and nearly 600 companies. That’s pretty impressive! The top four Indiana business schools are:
- #2: University of Notre Dame: Medoza College of Business
- #4: Indiana University: Kelley School of Business
- #57: Purdue University: Krannert School of Management
- #68: Butler University College of Business
This type of news may come as a surprise to some. However, as an exclusive tenant representative and tenant advisor in Indiana, over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with some of the biggest, brightest companies. I’ve seen some grow (like Diagnotes) and some get acquired (like Aprimo and ExactTarget) and the good news is the majority stay right here in Central Indiana. Our commitment to growing the tech community in Indy is reflected in our approach: we work to help startups thrive by helping entrepreneurs make better decisions. It’s nice to see that the top Indiana schools are producing the type of talent that these companies need to keep making headlines.
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