Chris Carmen / October 18, 2018
CARMEN would like to congratulate our client, Endangered Species Chocolate, on its new state of the art distribution facility space located on Indianapolis’ northwest side. The Indianapolis based company is unique in that 10% of its net profits are donated annually to current 10% GiveBack Partners; each guaranteed a minimum annual donation of $10,000 and is free to use the funds on projects they deem most important. With over $1.3 million generated in the past three years alone, each chocolate purchase adds up to big support that helps wildlife thrive.
See Endangered Species Chocolate’s CEO, Kurt Vander Meer talk about this remarkable company and its extraordinary mission to improve our natural environment. (video will be posted next week on Youtube)
“It’s been an honor to work with Endangered Species, an organization with a vision that positively impacts so many aspects of our world…from the cocoa farmers of West Africa to the most threatened of our worlds species…Elephants, Tigers to rainforests” said Chris Carmen, President of CARMEN Commercial Real Estate. He added “It has been very special to me personally, because where in our day-to-day lives, can one have such a small but important altruistic impact on our natural environment.”
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