Chris Carmen / October 20, 2016

Over the weekend, Chris Carmen parted with a prized possession when he donated a bike to Freewheelin’ Community Bikes in Indianapolis. Chris had the bike since he was 13 years old…but is unwilling to disclose how long ago that was. With such sentimental value, he decided to donate to an organization with a great mission.
Through Freewheelin Community Bikes’ Earn-a-Bike program, inner-city youths ages 10-18 learn basic bicycle mechanics, maintenance, riding safety, as well as life and leadership skills. A mentor teaches the kids about the mechanics of the bike during the program and when students demonstrate a proficiency in basic bike mechanics, he or she can choose, restore, and earn a bicycle from our donated stock of bicycles. Participants can also earn a helmet and lock for their bicycle.
The organization’s Freewheelin’ Community ride program gives the kids the opportunity to learn how to ride safely around Indianapolis twice a week as a group.
Since the organization aims to teach valuable skills and lessons to inner city kids through a focus on bicycles, Chris couldn’t have found a better place to pass his bike along to someone deserving.
Do you have a bike that is ready for a 2nd time around? Check out the Freewheelin’ Community Bikes to learn about bicycle donations and the Earn-a-Bike program.
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